Friday, November 2, 2012

It's Friday afternoon and I thought I would update you all !!
RUSS AND MY MOM  made the long LONG LONG flight to China!! They said they had a great flight watched alot of movies (so I think they got all caught up on that anyway), played some games and said that they did good until the last couple hours then they were tired of sitting!! I think Russ told me ablout 6,600 miles they went from chicago!! WOW PRAISE GOD YOU BOTH ARE THERE!!!!

I guess you just never realize how long that flight is until YOU ARE THE ONE SITTING ON IT!!!! or on the waiting end ~~ waiting to hear they made it!!!

I know that they are 12 hours ahead of us so right now they are getting some much needed sleep !! They said they didn't sleep on the plane ride at all!! GOD BLESS YOU BOTH!!! I know that they are going to go see the Great Wall when they wake up which will be like 6-7:00pm our time tonight.... I pray that they have great weather and it's not SNOWING like it is here!!! YES it was snowing some small flakes today and it's like 38 degrees here at home,....Hope its warmer there??!!??

We tried to skype with them this morning but they couldn't hear us they could see us and we could see and hear them but hopefully we can get that part worked out!! That's all I know for now I know they are going to be pretty busy so I will try to keep updated if they can't !!

If you are reading this THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND PRAYERS (14 more days) !! Gotcha Day is only about 57 or so hours away for them!!! WOW so excited for them to wrap there arms around her!! I just hope she will let them at least hug her alittle!!
                        ~~~~~  SENDING LOVE HUGS AND KISSES FROM ADDISON AND I ~~~!!!!!!

14 days till LYDIA is home!!!!  


  1. Kim
    thank you for letting us know they got there safely, they have been in my thoughts all day. I am so excited for you guys. If you need anything at all please call. And keep the blogs coming:)
    Love Marty

    1. Marty,
      Thanks for checking it !! You and Ken are like my second parents and you are always so loving and supportive of me (and Russ too)heehee!! Russ will probably or should I say hopefully keep updating once they have a minute.
      Love you both, Kim :))

  2. I got goosebumps reading this! This is so exciting! I so glad they've arrived and are able to to some sight-seeing - The Great Wall of China - how cool! Thanks for the updates - keep them coming! ♥
